
August 6, 2024
What the American Church Can Learn From the African Church
August 6, 2024
Question: Dear Pastor Lance – How can you tell when something is a God-given ‘sign’ versus merely a coincidence?
August 6, 2024
Question: Pastor Lance – I was reading Revelation recently and came across something that seemed very odd. How do we reconcile Revelations 6:10 with forgiving those who persecute us? The souls of the martyrs are calling out for justice, judgment and vengeance, is that okay? If they are in heaven shouldn’t they be able to see the big picture and forgive those who have killed them? Is there a time when we stop forgiving and call down the Lord’s judgment on people here on earth?
August 6, 2024
Question: Dear Pastor Lance — How is Jesus the Son of God, if He’s equal to the Father and Holy Spirit? If he wasn't ‘created’ (He’s eternal), how is He a son?
July 23, 2024
Question: Dear Pastor Lance— It’s so hard to share my faith with other people. I don’t know why I’m afraid to do it, I just am. How do you share your faith with your friends?
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