Helping Believers

Follow Jesus &

navigate the tough cultural issues

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Navigate Controversial Topics

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Being a Christian Today is Hard

In a rapidly changing world, it can be overwhelming for Christians to understand how their faith intersects with the complexities of culture. The Bible, our guide, offers wisdom, but deciphering its message amidst the noise is no easy task.

Your partner in

biblical understanding

LCH Ministries

We know the struggles Christian face as we seek to make sense of the world through a biblical lens. That’s why we’re committed to providing you with reliable resources that engage the hard questions and in turn, foster authentic relationship with Jesus.

Picture a life where you are not only rooted in the unchanging truth of the Bible, but also equipped to engage thoughtfully with the world around you.

Our mission is to tell the truth. To take complicated ideas and make them simple. To be a voice for the powerless. To confront inaccurate assumptions. To be Jesus in the present word, right here, right now. 


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Confident & informed faith

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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“My husband & I wanted to express our gratitude for taking a risk and presenting facts in your AccessMore Podcast. We have thoroughly enjoyed your research, presentation, and frankly something that challenges the norm. Thank you for being a Pastor we can trust.”

“I have listened to all 53 episodes of your podcast and have grown spiritually in very significant ways. I have recommended your podcast to many friends... I am 73 years old and continue to be hungry and thirsty to understand and serve my Savior more and more. I feel like I am auditing a seminary class!! As one mentor that I have listened to for years has said – 'I am an old guy (in my case gal) cramming for finals'. In the last few years Acts 20:24 has become my life verse…Thank you does not cover the extent of my gratitude. KEEP IT UP!”

“Suicide…Thank you so much for covering this important topic. I woke around 2 a.m. with you on my mind and realized it is Tuesday. I reached for my phone to see if the new episode [Lance Hahn Podcast] had dropped and as I listened I silently wept. Not for myself but for those who struggle like I did and have yet to accept the love of God and the power the Holy Spirit has to take it all away. I am thankful to be loved by God so deeply that I no longer have to wrestle daily with doubts of my worth, doubts of my ‘reason for being alive’ and thoughts that I am invisible and unloved. I am also extremely thankful that God uses you the way He does to bring to light these subjects that are so often misunderstood."

“As a longtime therapist who works with many wounded by hurting believers, as a passionate supervisor of pre-licensed therapists, and as the fiercely loving and protective aunt and friend of many who are living as part of the LGBTQ community (mostly anticipating and ducking from the rocks they have had thrown at them), I commend your podcast and deeply thank you for the boldness, expertise and humility.”

Meet Pastor Lance

Founder of LCH Ministries

I understand what it is like to feel confused! The Bible is an ancient text and there are so many voices and opinions about what it actually teaches. I have pastored, seen, led, and experienced transformation navigating complex issues with a Biblical understanding for over 34 years.

I want Christians, leaders and those on the fringe to be able to navigate following Jesus in a way that makes sense and helps them maintain integrity, instead of losing faith and feeling lost.

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is as easy as 1, 2, 3...

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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